Wednesday 20 May 2009

Keeping a Lid on Wedding Costs

As you will know if you are planning a wedding yourself, most couples plan their weddings at least one or more years ahead - and this means setting a budget and committing to your most expensive wedding cost - your venue - many months before the big day itself. The recent economic downturn has had a profound and devastating effect on some couples who booked an expensive venue and paid a large non-refundable deposit a year or two ago but who are now struggling to raise the money to pay the balance - let alone find additional cash for all the other wedding expenses which they assumed they would be able to afford. In some instances engaged couples have found themselves redundant and their parents have lost savings as stocks, shares and interest rates tumbled making wedding planning more stressful than ever for these unlucky brides and grooms.

Starting married life in debt is no fun which is why at Weddings Co-ordinated we pay particular attention to keeping a lid on our clients' spending. We discuss at great length how to set a budget and we are rigorous about ensuring our clients stick to their budgets. We also negotiate excellent rates with suppliers on their behalf and we always, always recommend that they take out a comprehensive insurance policy.

There is still a strong misconception held by couples in the UK that hiring a wedding co-ordinator is an unnecessary and frivolous additional expense. In fact, by negotiating good deals for their clients, a wedding co-ordinator can often save you more money than the cost of their fee and all our clients have reported that far from being ‘unnecessary and frivolous’ their co-ordinator was ‘worth her weight in gold’ in terms of the ideas, assistance and support given to the couple throughout the wedding planning process and on the day itself.

If you would like to find out more about how a wedding co-ordinator could help you with your wedding plans please do contact us or visit our website at

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